I love New Look for a number of reasons. It really can be your go to place for almost everything. But my ultimate favourite thing about it? If you take a 12 to the changing rooms, it will be a 12. Not a 10 masquerading as a 12 to make us all feel fat but an actual 12. Shops base their sizes, for example a size 12, on the average size of a group of size 12 ladies who shop there. Clearly, the average shopper, is awesome.
It's also fantastic for trends and designer collaborations. My favourite bit is the shoe lounge. So many of my favourite shoes come from there. They sometimes repeat stock a few shoes each year too which is great, especially if like me you wear your favourite shoes to death. Shoes just seem to fall apart on my feet, I think it's a curse. And lastly, the price! It's so reasonable. You can get a whole outfit from there for £50 no problem. Less even. And that's shoes included.
So to celebrate their general fab-ness, here's my top ten new in:
1. Aztec skirt
2. Monochrome grid skirt
3. Triangle necklace
4. Mesh polka dot skirt
5. Flower print dress
6. Green floral skirt
7. Transparent clutch
8. Polka dot denim skirt
9. Denim Pinafore
10. Gold rainbow necklace
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