It's been such a pleasure meeting and photographing everyone over the past six months and I look forward to lots more in the coming year. These are some of my favourite looks!
I hope you all have a wonderful New Years Eve and a happy 2013!
I normally spend winter dressing like a man (although a slightly Oscar Wilde type Gent to be fair). Their clothes are so much warmer! Shirts, men’s jumpers, trousers, flat leather shoes. I'm on the lookout for the perfect tie too.
My boyfriend got me the most beautiful book for Christmas. I sat reading it, curled up in bed with a cup of Earl grey on Boxing Day, total heaven! I've had to resist tearing out pages (how could I!) to frame and put on the wall because they are just gorgeous. I've always loved Valentino, his designs I think are just on the line of pure fantasy and reality. They are the dresses of your dreams but still wearable and elegant. It features the final collection from Spring 2008 (which I can't believe was four years ago! God I'm getting old) and pages and pages of unbelievably beautiful creations, plus a short foreword by the man himself. Here are some snaps I took of my favourite pages.
I'm very sad to announce that my laptop has finally packed up and given in. We've had five wonderful years but the battery has finally died.
I now of course, need to buy a new one! This thought should fill me with excitement but it doesn’t. It fills me with dread. Mainly because technology and I, well, we don’t really get along to well. I know I have a blog and stuff but it’s done (although with love!) as simply as I can. The photo collages? Done on Paint (I am a paint wizard though, check out my zoo). I don’t even know what make my phone is. I do know it cost £12.50 and is so basic it doesn’t even have predictive text. One visitor to my house even mistook it for the TV remote. Not good. I have no idea what Ram is, or megabytes. Though the latter I think would make an awesome name for crisps. I’d buy them.
I’m going to buy one this week so will be posting some more street style as soon as I manage to plug it in and open it without any major disaster. See you soon!
Ps: remember back in the day when the TV signal used to break and they gave you a nice picture of a kitten to look at? Generally in a bucket or flower pot? Well as this blog’s about fashion, here’s a picture of Chouppette to pass the time....
(photo taken from Catsparella)