I love the edits they do at Topshop.com. Here's my favourite picks from what's new in this week!
1. Space knit
2. Shoes
3. Skirt
4. Trousers
5. Kilt
6. Jumper
I went to London two weeks ago and was completely bowled over by all the different and amazing men and woman I saw. The style there is so diverse and people are fearless, I loved it! I have to admit, I was a little shy to ask for photos (it was really busy and people walk really fast!) but I managed to take a few subtly, (ok a tad stalker-ish, I'm sorry!) although photo taking whilst walking is very tricky indeed. There were some people that I so regret not being able to catch. But a few turned out ok! I can't wait to go back, it's such a wicked city. I had the best weekend!